Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello! I just finished my Tiddly Inks challenge card; the challenge was to make a card using no DP. I used the SCS sketch #281
This little gal is so cute; I just love her ice cream cone barrette! It is such a bummer that she lost her scoops of Rockey Road and Chippermint; at least she has her Cherry Nut! She is colored with Prismas. For a bit of texture, I used the Cuttlebug numbers folder; I thought it tied in well with the sentiment. I used a black gel pen on her eyes and added accents with a white gel pen as well.
Image: Tiddly Inks Digi Stamp
Paper: G.P. 110, PTI Lemon Tart and Dark Chocolate
Extras:Prismas/Goo Gone, Cuttlebug/Embossing Folder, SU! Oval and Scalloped Oval Punches, Sakura Black Gel Pen, Signa White Gel Pen, EKSuccess 3D-Dots
I had a hard time getting a picture today. It was so breezy that my card wouldn't stand up. I really need to get one of those floral frog things to stand it in. Do any of you know where you can get them? Does you have any other method to keep your card standing up?
Hope you are enjoying your Saturday. It is cool, but currently sunny; so much better than the dreary weather I woke up to. Thanks for stopping by!


Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

It is such a crime to drop ice cream...LOL I would definitely have to scoop Mint Chocolate Chip back up...:)

Unknown said...

Lol I love that you named her scoops..the 8 second rule definatley counts with ice cream lol!!

Fabby card xx

Thanks for joining in with Tiddly inks this week xx

Amy said...

Okay, this is TOO funny!

Jessica G. said...

Awesome shading on your coloring, Angela, and the sentiment is perfect! The five second rule always applies to treats, but see if kiddos enforce it with their vegetables!!

Larissa said...

Great card my friend, love that you gave names to the ice scoops, but now I want ice! :) because cherry nut sounds really delicious. Thanks for joining us at the Tiddly Inks challenge!

Lissa said...

She's my kind of girl... I always use to drop my ice cream... :( Poor thing...

Thanks for playing with the Tiddly Inkers this week...

Becca said...

I may actually have to use this sketch. I've seen several cards made with it that I love; yours included! That embossing folder is perfect for that panel. I have no clue where to get a floral frog, but I hope you can find one!

Chris said...

as far as ice cream goes, the 5 secind rule akways applies!! love the card!

Banu said...

Super cute card..Very very nice.