Friday, May 7, 2010

Bellarific Friday: Flowers

Good Friday morning! Yay, I am so glad we are almost to the weekend! It has been a long week and today will be another long day; I look forward to tomorrow where I can just kick back and relax. I might even sleep in until 6!
Our challenge this week was "flowers". I love this image so it was my first choice to use. I had planned to only color the flower, but when my card was almost done DD let me know it didn't look good.... Sometimes I am not sure if it really doesn't look good, or if she is just being ornery with me.... She is 11 and I am finding at times she can be quite contrary, while other times she is just so sweet and loving. It is becoming hard to gauge her moods; I am thinking it is all a part of growing up.... This too will pass!
Well, since I decided I had better color my Bella I had some fun with her. I colored her pants to look like the new black/white tweed ones I have and I gave her lowlights in the front of her hair. I added some Doodlebug glitter to the flower and a large Bella Dot in the middle. The bottom right corner has 3 small Bella Dots.
I used Jen del Muro's "Sketch for You to Try" It was supposed to have an embellishment on the upper left side of the image panel, but I discovered that it would cover Bella's head which was probably not a good plan after I gave her the lowlights and all.... Regardless, I think it was really a fun sketch!
Image: Stamping Bella
Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black
Paper: PTI Stamper's Select, Hibiscus Burst and True Black, Doodlebug DP
Embellies: Bella Dots, Doodlebug Glitter
Extras: Prismas/Goo Gone, Foam Tape
I hope you'll stop on over at Blogabella and take a look at the other entries for Bellarific Friday; I am always amazed at the beautiful cards.
Thanks for stopping by; I hope you have a great Friday! Tomorrow is the Tiddly Inks blog hop so I will be back with another card....


Amy said...

What a fun card! Love the pink , B & W. Doodlebug paper is perfect with these Bella images!

Becca said...

I love the pink with the black on here. It's awesome! And I know what you mean about kids, and trying to figure out their moods. It's a tricky business, for sure!

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

YAY for flowers! :)

Imke said...

Love the sparkle flower. Pink and black together looks really great. Really pretty Angela !

Chris said...

too cute, love the image!

Jessica G. said...

I think it's an awesome card, Angela! The pink and black looks so sassy with those DPs and the Bella dot really accents the flower.

Don't you love the mood swings of this age? It would be nice to have some type of indicator so we're forewarned before we even speak!!

Kathy said...

Wow, I love these colors, this is such a fun image and a cool sketch you used. I love the low lights, fun!

Banu said...

OMG this is such a fun card Angela. Loved it. The patterned paper are going so well with this image.

Deb (dcorder) said...

What a very cool sketch! And Bella is perfect in black&white!! LOVE IT!