Friday, September 3, 2010

The "Special Project"

Hello, and happy Friday! I have finally finished the project I have been working on. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.... I'll pick the kids up from school and then we'll deliver the tree for the fundraiser.
A family I know from work lost their father from pancreatic cancer and they now hold a yearly fundraiser. It's a combination of a "walk, run, wag" and a basket raffle, among other things. They do a wonderful job and raise a lot of money to help those fighting the battle with cancer. They are amazing people, so gracious and thankful to those who donate to help the cause. In reality, it is I who is thankful to be given the opportunity to help.
Cancer has had a profound impact on my life. I lost my Grandma a little over 4 years ago, while at the same time my Dad was waiting to undergo treatment. He didn't want to tell Grandma and have her worry. My Dad has been one of the lucky ones; after 2 different types of cancer, 2 major surgeries, and a long round of radiation he is doing well. This experience has changed me in ways that are hard to explain. I am guessing it is like that for many.
This tree is dedicated to those who are currently fighting the battle, to those who have won the battle and to those who have lost.... God bless them all.
Now, a little bit about the tree. The first photo is "Little Flurry", the second is "Snowflake" and the last is the entire tree. It's a 3 foot tall pencil tree and Snowflake and the Little Flurries are handmade. It was a family effort; the kids like to help with stuffing and painting the wooden snowflakes. Even DH helps! This year he had to get out his drill to make the hole in the trunk larger after I had the great idea to use hot glue to hold the tree in place.... After applying the hot glue, the tree wouldn't go on the spike. This kind of mishap is common, but part of the fun! This one is a bit more primitive than most I have done; I have done many different themes over the years. Cats, dogs, angels, santas, and lots of assorted snowmen....
Tips and tricks:
Many times when you use hot glue on a project, you will see those annoying "glue threads". A quick fix for this is to blast them with your blow dryer. This will cause the glue to melt and then you can't see it. I learned this while attending a demonstration given by a floral designer. Try it, it works!
Thanks for stopping by today!


Banu said...

WOW!! Angela..I am totally stunned. Such an amazing project. So creative and beautiful. I totally understand what you said about cancer. I have lost my Grandmum and my uncle to stomach cancer and my husbands father died of bladder cancer as well. So, I totally get it. MY THANKS To you for doing this for that fundraiser. that is just awesome.

Jessica G. said...

This is an adorable tree and it's for such a worthwhile cause! I love the Little Flurries ornaments and the coordinating Snowflake is perfect to snuggle next to this wonderful tree!!

You have such a big heart, Angela, and the crafting ability to go with it! I'm sure this tree will bring in lots of funds for your friends' cause!!

charlene said...

Anglea what a great little tree for such a great cause ! I bet they will be thrilled when they see it !

Becca said...

What a great tree. I love that it becomes a family project. And that it has such a special meaning for you personally. Way to go!

Imke said...

Angela, the tree becomes very beautiful ! I´m sure they will love it. Great project !

Amy said...

So adorable! I bet yours nets the most money LOL!

Chris said...

this is wonderful!! that ree is so darn cute!! what a great fundraiser!! >"<

Larissa said...

Wow Angela! Your project is so gorgeous! Love the cute snowman, so adorable.

Donelda said...

Your snowman is awesome!! what a great project! and thanks for the tip on the hot glue gun "threads"!!