Friday, February 12, 2010

It's Bellarific Friday!

Happy Friday! The theme for Bellarific Friday this week was "Lovey Dovey". I chose "Phoebe Ketto"; aren't her little heart bouquets sweet? I also used more of my Bo Bunny DP; I've been using it a lot since it is so versatile with all the pretty colors.

Well, I learned a lesson the hard way with this one.... Don't try something new after your card is assembled! I had the "great idea" to use a black gel pen for Phoebe's hair. Well...I'm not loving it! I think maybe if it was more of a finer line, I would. I just had hoped to add some glossy lowlights. Maybe not.... I also had the perfect blue pencil for her dress, but I couldn't find it until after I colored it with a different blue! Ack! I think it was just not my day.....

Image: Stamping Bella "Phoebe Ketto"
Ink: Tuxedo Black
Paper: PTI Stamper's Select, Hibiscus Burst, and Dark Chocolate, Bo Bunny DP
Embellies: Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist in "Pearl", Sakura Black Gel Pen, Bella Dots
Extras: Prismas/Goo Gone, Spellbinders Nestabilities, Foam Tape

Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you'll hop on over to Em's blog to check out all the other creations for Bellarific Friday.

Have a goodie!



Jen said...

Okay...this is a rockin' image! Not sure what you are talking about I thinkthe hair looks great! Awesome card!

Becca said...

I have to laugh at not trying something new when the card is already assembled! I've done that a few too many times. LOL! But I think it works out fine here. I love those little heart bouquets. Super cute card.

Banu said...

WOW!! Real neat card....Loved it.