Monday, February 22, 2010

Secret Sister Fun

Happy Monday! Today was indeed a happy day for me...I received a package from my Secret Sister! I hadn't even posted the pictures of the goodies from the last package, so here they are.
The first picture shows all the goodies that were in the box; there were 3 awesome Valentine's card kits, a package of cards/envies, a beautiful shaker card, and a box of decorated Hershey Nuggets (my favorite candy!).
The second picture shows the card close-up. Isn't it gorgeous?! The colors are so beautiful and when you shake it, you can see the red and silver glitter! I love it!
I will post pictures of what came today at a later date. I just wanted to share my fun and to encourage you to try out a Secret Sister swap if you ever get the chance. It's fun putting the goodies together to send, getting happy mail, and hearing about what everyone else gets too!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope your week is off to a great start!


Imke said...

Wonderful ! I wish i could join the secret sister swaps, but the postage is unfortunately to expensive.

Becca said...

Oh, it's always so fun getting happy mail. This would definitely put a smile on any swappers face!

Chris said...

super cool mail for sure!

NikkiM said...

Oohhhh this is awesome, I wanna play too ;)

Thanks so much for leaving a lovely comment on my blog; I thought you'd enjoy seeing what else I have been up to... I am so pleased to launch a new blog - and I hope you'll join me there for some fun!


Larissa said...

HI Angela! What a lovely package you have gotten from your secret sister!