Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Christmas Thank You....

Good morning friends! Well, here we are...the big day has come and gone. I hope you all had a wonderful, safe holiday with your loved ones. I don't know about the rest of you, but now I can relax a bit and just enjoy Christmas break with the kids.... It's nice that the hustle and bustle is over....
I wanted to share the card my 10 year old son made for me last night after we got home. He worked on this for a loooong time! This morning he showed me 6 "re-do" cards too! I was very touched that he spent the time and this is so very special to me; it will go into my box of treasures. Just wanted to share some Christmas cheer through the eyes of a child....
Today I am cleaning up my craft area. It makes me a bit sad to be putting all of the beautiful Christmas papers away; I have decided that I will try to make a couple Christmas cards each month though. I know of some people who do this and then they have a nice collection by the time the next Christmas rolls around. I guess it is time to go to work on the Valentine's! I looove pink!
Holiday blessings to you! Thank you for stopping by!


Larissa said...

Oh this is so sweet! I can understand that this one is going into the box of treasures! :) Love what he has written and the decoration on the inside is perfect. Love the scallops! :)

Well it is still christmas here (our second christmas day) but I had a realxing day at home and just finished my first valentine card. ;0 (I used red though...) Last year I tried to do the same thing with my christmas cards, we had a private blog with some friends and made a challenge for each week (just for the fun, no prices etc). Maybe an idea for you (and me....)?

Kathy said...

Wow, what a sweet card and note from you son. Love seeing kids who are so appreciative of their parents, so sweet. Funny about the redo's I think that happens to all of us.

I never put my Christmas stuff away. I try to a few a month, it's fun to play with the stuff all year long. I like pink, too, I need to make some Valentines as well.

Glad Christmas went well and now you can relax!

Becca said...

What a sweet, sweet card! I would definitely treasure that for a loooong time! I hope you had a very wonderful Christmas!

Jessica G. said...

What a wonderful memento, truly a gift from the heart!

I'm with you on the pledge to keep a little Christmas in my craft room year round, but I think I'll wait a few weeks to start that resolution!!

Imke said...

Angela, very sweet from your son to made this card for you. Your treasure box is the right place for it.

Donelda said...

this is what being a mother is all about! so sweet!! I too am going to try to do Christmas cards all year long so as to have them ready when December rolls around. Maybe we can inspire each other!

Scottie said...

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